Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OMG!!! What am I doing?

It is 230 in the morning and I can't sleep.  There are so many things going on in the next two and a half weeks and so many things that I need to do in order for all of it to go smoothly that I can't get my head to turn off.  I am tired, I know I am I can feel it but I can not sleep cause I keep thinking about everything that I need to do.  I know in my heart that in the end everything will work out and be great but I am such a perfectionist that I tend to drive myself nuts.  I am uber organized and overly critical of so many stupid things.  I worry that I did everything correctly and I stress about whether I did everything I was supposed to.  I pack and unpack and then repack my suitcase a number of different times, because I am afraid I have forgotten something or that i will miss count and only bring things for six days instead of the seven that I need.  Jesse thinks that I have OCD.  I think that I need someone to hit me over the head with a baseball bat and knock my ass out so that I can sleep for the next two days totally uninterrupted. In the last 48 hours I have slept a grand total of maybe 5-6 hours and that was not even all at once.  I am hoping that by writing this all down, that I myself will truly realize how ridiculous it is and will be able to then clear my head and sleep at least 4 hours before I have to get up at 7am because I have a big day ahead of me.  And I don't think that walking around like a zombie cause I'm so exhausted will do anyone any good.

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