Thursday, January 12, 2012

Crazy Year

I can't believe that it has been a year since I posted anything.  2011 was definitely a crazy year and it flew by so fast.  There have been so many changes in my life.
 I started college, which turned into completely starting again. The college said that it had been to long since I was in school and most of my credits were expired, so I had to start from the beginning.  Which worked out pretty well so far.  I am not thrilled with the added time that it will take to reach my goal but I can tell that it will be a blessing in the end. I need a refresher on some of that info that I had to relearn.  But so far so good.  I have maintained a 4.0 for the year, just hope I can keep it that high.
Jesse and I also moved.  It is in the same complex just a bigger apartment.  We upgraded to a two bedroom so that we could have a guest room and a dishwasher.  Best choice ever.  I love having people come to visit and I love my dishwasher.
We didn't really travel a ton last year.  We made one or two trips to the beach but definitely did not do all the fun things that we normally do.  With my school schedule and working full time it made it hard to find time to get away.
I did slip away for three days at the end of May for Erin's high school graduation.  I am so proud of my little sister and love her so much.  I will be sending good vibes to her while she attends college at the University of Northern Colorado, working towards her teaching degree.  Maybe we could be study buddies via Skype or something.  HAHA
The one thing that I do regret from 2011 is being so involved in school that I let it take over everything.  Most holidays and birthdays went by without a celebration or a second thought.  This year I intend on finding a balance with school work and friends and family.  I have already made some plans to help make this happen. I can't disclose them right now though, otherwise it will ruin the surprise.
Talk to you soon!!!!

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