Thursday, April 29, 2010


So last night since it was my one real night off this week.  We had a little surprise party for grandma's birthday.  She knew she was coming over for dinner but we didn't tell her that we invited Jack and some of her friends over to join us.  I had a cake made and delivered.  I decorated the house and made an excellent dinner.  Jesse kept grandma busy and distracted all day so that I could accomplish everything that we needed to do.  It turned out really well.  For dinner we had bacon wrapped fillets, homemade baked beans, coleslaw, corn on the cob and some dinner rolls from the German bakery.  It was delicious.  Everyone loved it.  And the cake that I ordered for dessert was to die for.  It was a big hit as well.  It was an apple and cinnamon cake with cream cheese mouse and frosting.  It was so yummy.  I bought if from this new bakery out toward Milwaukee, called Le Cookie Monkey, .  If you ever get the chance you should try some of there stuff, it was so good.  And everyone had a blast just talking and visiting.  I love listening to stories of " The old days" , sometimes I wish I would have been alive back then, it always seems like a much simpler and more enjoyable time to have lived in.  And grandma was totally surprised.  The whole evening went great and I think everyone loved it.

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