Thursday, April 29, 2010


So last night since it was my one real night off this week.  We had a little surprise party for grandma's birthday.  She knew she was coming over for dinner but we didn't tell her that we invited Jack and some of her friends over to join us.  I had a cake made and delivered.  I decorated the house and made an excellent dinner.  Jesse kept grandma busy and distracted all day so that I could accomplish everything that we needed to do.  It turned out really well.  For dinner we had bacon wrapped fillets, homemade baked beans, coleslaw, corn on the cob and some dinner rolls from the German bakery.  It was delicious.  Everyone loved it.  And the cake that I ordered for dessert was to die for.  It was a big hit as well.  It was an apple and cinnamon cake with cream cheese mouse and frosting.  It was so yummy.  I bought if from this new bakery out toward Milwaukee, called Le Cookie Monkey, .  If you ever get the chance you should try some of there stuff, it was so good.  And everyone had a blast just talking and visiting.  I love listening to stories of " The old days" , sometimes I wish I would have been alive back then, it always seems like a much simpler and more enjoyable time to have lived in.  And grandma was totally surprised.  The whole evening went great and I think everyone loved it.

Yard Work

So one of the few days off that I had last week.  Jesse and I decided to do some yard work. Mainly I decided and made him do it. WHAT???  I was tired of looking at an ugly dirt lot outside our sliding glass doors.  So since we couldn't decide on what to do as a whole.  I decided that I was going to do half of the yard my way and he could do what ever he wanted with his half.  So I drug him to Wally World so that he could lift all the heavy stuff and picked out some flowers and fertilizer and plants, ect...  We carted it all home and work our butts off and this is the end result.

Where the trellis is and the cinder block there are going to be more plants.  They are climbing ones that I want but it is not time to plant them yet.  I have to wait another two weeks of so.  And as you can see from the bottom let corner of the pic there is nothing on that side of the yard.  Thats Jesse's side.  I can show you the awesome valentines day present that I bought him though.  I took a pic of that too.      

I love this thing to death.  It has so many features and is Jesse's favorite color.  The only bad thing that I can find so far is that I bought such a powerful grill that even on it's lowest setting things take so much less time to cook than I am used to that I - we, cause Jesse does it too- tend to overcook and sometimes burn things.  I really need to learn how to use it properly.  But it is awesome anyway.  And we use it constantly. even in the rain and hail,  like last night.  

Killer Work Ethic

Sorry that it has been so long since I wrote anything.  I went back to work after being sick and have been at work pretty much ever since.  I worked Wednesday and Thursday of that first week back after being sick.  Then worked Sat and Sun. had my days off and then worked five 12 hour days in a row am taking 1 1/2 days off and then today I get to go back to work for an other four day stretch of 12 hour shifts.  I do good at the four in a row that's not to bad.  But that five day stretch was killer.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh Me Oh My

So I finally got sick of being sick, and since I wasn't getting any better no matter what medicine I took I went to the dr's yesterday and was told that I have a sinus infection and the beginning of a ear infection.  And the reason my  throats hurts is cause of all the crap associated with the post nasal drip.  Yeah Me!!!  Got some meds though, so hopefully I will feel better in a day of two.  I have to feel better, I have to go back to work.  And poor Jesse.  I feel like a sloth. Such a bad wife.  I have done little to no housework in the last week,  including cooking.  He has done pretty much everything for both of us.  I'll have to make something special for him on Friday.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Love and Hate

I love spring.  I hate allergies.  I feel like crap right now.  My head is going to explode, boogers are going to start shooting out of my ears and my throat is killing me.  Why does my favorite season have to come with so many things that I hate? beautiful warm days filled with sunshine and baseball and wonderful blooming flowers and pollen and all the other crud that floats through the air.  It is just so unfair.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cooking 101

I like to cook. I especially like to try new recipes. However I am not the best at it. My husband Jesse likes to give me crap about using the smoke detector as my kitchen timer. I say it works well and then make him eat it anyway. HAHAHA. I am so excited though cause I have been on a roll lately. The last three new recipes that I tried were fantastic, he loved them and the smoke detector didn't go off at all. I have been doing theme nights. The first one was kinda a euro thing, we had french onion soup, steaks and fondue. Then we had a french night with sweet and savory crepes. The savory crepes had chicken, sautéed mushrooms and onions in it and then had a mushroom and cheese morney sauce on top. The sweet crepes had strawberries and whipped cream on them and I added sugar and vanilla extract to the batter so that they would be sweet. And then last night was pizza night. Homemade pizzas with homemade dough and everything. And a fruit pizza with cream cheese and whipped cream "sauce" and topped with strawberries and kiwi. They were all amazing.


So, as I am sure most of you know, I am not good at keeping in touch. Or updating my status on facebook ect.... I have decided to give this blogging thing a chance. Hopefully it will allow me to better keep everyone informed of whats going on, in my life. Hope everyone enjoys it!!!