Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thank Heavens for Facebook

There are not many times that you will hear me say that.  But today is a wonderful day to say that, and I will say it again THANK HEAVENS FOR FACEBOOK.  Our computer has been acting up and being really slow.  So between Jesse and I we have been trying to delete some old junk that is on here that we didn't need anymore and some how all of our pics from the last year were deleted.  ALL of them, everything from the whole year since I last backed up all of my stuff to the external hard drive.  I was so upset yesterday.  But then when I got on Facebook and remembered that there were pics there I became a little more optimistic.  I was able to download all of the pics that Jesse and I had on our Facebook pages.  So I have now recovered about most of the important photos that I had lost but there are still lots that I had not posted any where that I cant get back.  Guess that will teach me to be more diligent about backing up my stuff more often.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Snap, Snap Snap!!!!!

Yeah me!!!!!  So most people who know me, know that I love photography.  I took a photography class in college and used to have a wonderful 35mm Pentax.  That I adored, until it went MISSING in Vegas about  three years ago.  I have a small point and shoot digital that i bought on sale the day after Thanksgiving in 2007, but its just not the same.  So yesterday with all my money from working overtime and the blessing of my husband and a little bit of his money too.  I went and bought me a brand new digital SLR  camera.  I am so excited.  It was like Christmas morning all over again, yesterday when I got home from the camera store.  I am giddy beyond belief today.  I want to go use my camera so bad, but I know I have to be a good girl and get all my chores done before I can do that.  So, I will talk to you all later.  And prepare yourself, cause I will be posting lots of pics soon enough.   Love you,   Panda