Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Had a great day today, crafting with Aimee!!! Here are our goodies. We made quilt tops, reusable sandwich bags and bread bags. So much fun!! Can't wait til next time. To see more stuff that Aimee makes go to her blog lazy as a daisy here at

Monday, March 26, 2012

Winter Term 2012

This term went great!!!   It was difficult at times but I made it through and maintained my 4.0.  I'm on the presidents list again.  So HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valentine's Day

For Valentines Day, I surprised J and planned a trip to Spokane to see one of his favorite bands.  I didn't get any homework done but it was well worth it.  We stayed at the Davenport, one of Spokanes oldest and fanciest hotels.

We started off our trip with  a walk down to Riverfront park shortly after arriving.  It was perfect timing because the sun was starting to set and it was beautiful. 
The view from our hotel room was gorgeous. And triggered our curiosity. 

We found out that the two large towers belonged to a bar and restaurant called the Steam Plant. We decided to head over for happy hour and some snacks before our first big event

The first night in town we found out that a comedian that I liked was in town and so we bought tickets and went. We had a blast!  She was so funny and it was also funny to watch the people that came to the show.  One guy was dressed like Waldo,  striped hat and all.  

The next day we start out the day at a restaurant that Jesse fell head over heels in love with.  It was an old train car that the owners had converted into a restaurant. The seating was a little tight but the food was fantastic.
Next we took a drive to Coeur D'alene.  
When we returned to Spokane we went back the Riverfront Park to explore all the parts we did not see the previous night and to ride the skyride which provides an up close view of the falls.

Sunday morning before hitting the road and heading back to Portland, we indulged in the Davenports famous Sunday Brunch held in the hotels famous atrium.  

New Years 2012

We started out the new year with lots of fun and a quick trip to the beach.
Beautiful Sky
 Aimee, Daisy and Andrew came over and spent new years eve with us. We stayed up playing games and toasted the New Year with sparkling cider and the New York Ball Drop.  The next day we took a spontaneous trip to the beach.  We played in the sand, eat ice cream and then finished it off with a nice warm dinner to heat us back up after the chilly day at the beach.

Say Squeeze!!
Even Pip had a sweater on.

What's better than cold ice cream on a cold day. 

2011 Update

So it's spring break and I finally had time to download all the photos from 2011.  So here is a quick rundown of what we did.

January:  Dee grandma's sister was here to visit.  On one of the weekends we went to the beach and played bingo.  

February-April:  Brought Valentines Day and Easter, which I have no memory of.  I have no clue what we did, if anything, for either of those holidays.

May: In may we took a trip to Multnomah Falls and Bonneville Dam with the girls.

Toward the end of May was Erin's graduation.  I was able to take two days off of work to go to Colorado and see her walk across the stage.  I am so proud of my little sister.

My birthday was in May also.  Jesse surprised me by inviting some friends over and having a BBQ.  Some how we did not get any photos of this event.  Oh well there is always next year.

June was a month of rest. I had sinus and tonsil surgery on the second and spent most of the month just resting and recuperating.

July brought us Independence Day.  J's favorite holiday,  I think he is a bit of a pyro.  The day started out with a BBQ and ended in Washington at the train depot blowing up massive fireworks.  It was fantastic!  However because it was unplanned, I didn't have my camera.
This was also the month that we took our two trips.  The first was to Silver falls.  It was a day trip that we took grandma on.  We had a ton of fun hiking around and see all of the different waterfalls.

The next trip was a surprise trip for Jesse.  I packed up all of our bags while he was at work and then when I went to pick him up I told him that I wanted to go to dinner at  a new restaurant.  I got on the highway and started driving.  He was so funny.  He kept asking where we were going and what restaurant.  I told him I couldn't remember but I knew how to get there. There really was no restaurant but I drove him all the way to Garibaldi where we stayed for the weekend. After dinner and a good nights sleep we got up and conquered the Tillamook Cheese Factory and the Tillamook Air Museum among many other things. 

We also got to see some dumbass bury is Jeep in the sand up to the wheel wells.  It was hilarious. 
August:  In August was J's B-Day.  It was pretty quite, no big party just a family dinner with grandma, Paul and J's best friend Brian.  I made a Guinness Chocolate Cake and put hot wheels on it to make it look like they were pushing the frosting around like dirt and bought sparklers for candles. 

Grandma bought J some water guns and a water fight ensued. 

September and October went by without any major events just lots of homework.

November brought Pneumonia and Thanksgiving.  Somehow I ended up with pneumonia and was sick most of the month.  I was also supposed to host Thanksgiving.  J ended up doing most of the work and grandma helped him  a ton while I slept.  Only waking long enough to eat and go back to bed.  

In December I took a day just before finals to relax and spend some time with grandma making Leftsa, a traditional Norwegian bread. 

At the end of the month we spent a day in Washington visiting Jesse on the Christmas Train and then we had Christmas dinner at Grandma's house.